AGM Pandemic Response and Recovery 2023

Monday 27 November 2023, 5.30pm, Room C, 1 Parliament Street


In Attendance: Rt Hon Sammy Wilson MP (chair), Chris Green MP, Lord Reay, Lord Strathcarron, Lord Lilley.

Apologies: Graham Stringer MP, Henry Smith MP, Philip Davies MP, Sir Graham Brady MP, Sir Ian Duncan Smith MP, Greg Smith MP, Dawn Butler MP, Ian Paisley MP, Paul Girvan MP, Lord Moylan, Baroness Noakes, Baroness Morrissey, Baroness Fox, Lord Robathan, Baroness Foster, Miriam Cates MP, the Earl of Leicester.

1. The Chair welcomed APPG members to the second AGM of the Pandemic Response and Recovery All-Party Parliamentary Group.

2. Graham Stringer MP and Lord Strathcarron were elected Chair and co-chair by a show of hands, following the resignation of the Rt Hon Esther McVey MP on her appointment as Minister without Portfolio.

3. The following were elected or re-elected as Vice-Chairs of the APPG by a show of hands:
The Earl of Leicester, Baroness Morrissey, Chris Green MP, Rt Hon Sammy Wilson MP.

4. There was no further business to be conducted and so the AGM was brought to a close.

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